keep on - traduction vers grec
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keep on - traduction vers grec


keep on         
συνεχίζω, εξακολουθώ
disarmament conference         
Disarmament Conference; Committee on Disarmament; Conference on disarmament; The Conference on Disarmament; Disarmament Committee
διάσκεψη αφοπλισμού
close down         
  • ARD]] as heard in 1993 (in German).
  • [[Indian-head test pattern]] used in North America
  • Sign-off from the [[Soviet Central Television]] at the end of the day with the anthem
Sign-off; Sign-on; Closedown; Signoff; Close down; Sign off; Sign on; Sign-on (broadcast); Sign-off (broadcast); Signon; Indian Lord's Prayer; Sign-on & sign-off


to earn one's keep
1) (D; tr.) ('to have') to keep about (esp. BE), around (do you keep a screwdriver around the house?)
2) (d; intr.) to keep after ('to keep persuading') (keep after the children; they are still too untidy)
3) (d; tr.) to keep at ('to hold') (she kept them at their studies)
4) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep for (the librarian will keep the book for you)
5) (d; intr., refl.) to keep from ('to refrain') (she could not keep from talking)
6) (d; tr.) ('to conceal') to keep from (to keep a secret from smb.)
7) (d; tr.) ('to hold back'); ('to prevent') to keep from (the rain kept us from going; don't keep her from her work)
8) (d; intr.) ('to remain') to keep off (keep off the grass)
9) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep off (keep the children off the street)
10) (d; intr.) ('to remain') to keep out of (keep out of my way; I kept out of their quarrel)
11) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep out of (keep the guests out of the house)
12) (d; intr.) ('to be confined') to keep to (she kept to her room)
13) (d; intr.) ('to continue') to keep to (to keep to the right)
14) (D; tr.) ('to reserve') to keep to (to keep a secret to oneself)
15) (G) ('to continue') she kept reading
16) (J) ('to cause') he kept us waiting
17) (N; used with an adjective, noun, past participle) (to maintain'); ('to hold') she kept us busy; they kept him prisoner; the fire kept us warm; she kept the children amused with her stories
18) (P; intr., tr.) ('to continue'); ('to hold') to keep right; to keep a car in a garage
19) (s) ('to remain') to keep quiet; to keep warm


Keep On

Keep On is the third studio album by English singer Will Young. It was released on 21 November 2005, debuting at number 2 on the albums chart in the United Kingdom, as the album sold 107,318 copies in its first week. However, its biggest sales were 132,109, in its fifth week when the album placed at number 13. This is also his first album not to go number 1. It is, however, his second best-selling album, with sales of 1,010,000.

Exemples de prononciation pour keep on
1. Keep on running, baby, keep on running.
Crawl Space _ Tei Shi _ Talks at Google
2. But they keep on going, keep on going, keep on going.
Breaking the Mold - Lessons from Icons and Eccentrics _ Felipe Restrepo Pombo _ Talks at Google
3. If you keep on running, if you keep on running,
Crawl Space _ Tei Shi _ Talks at Google
4. If you keep on running, if you keep on running,
Crawl Space _ Tei Shi _ Talks at Google
5. but you have to keep on going and keep on,
Photos From the Edge _ Alexandre Buisse _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour keep on
1. "We will keep on being disrespected, and we will keep on dying," says Ciceron, the farm worker.
2. He shared the sound of the demons in his head÷ "Keep on trying, keep on trying, keep on trying, keep on trying and waiting, waiting, waiting for better times to come." One of those times came in the third set, serving at 15–40 in the fifth game.
3. A labour officer said Filipinas were going to "keep on coming in to find a job and this (the housemaid visa–buying scam) would keep on happening.
4. "We are going to ... keep on pursing it," he said.
5. "We will keep on waiting," says Iz al–Din Galbana.